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Thank you for putting your trust in us and allowing us to serve your family! 


Here is what to expect!


Be ready and waiting 10 minutes before & after your pick-up time, no personal items, including food and drink, and of course, if you are not riding, let us know!


Here’s what is new!


Before the van arrives: 

  • Make sure your child is well! Free from fever, cough, excess mucous etc.

  • You MUST fill out the check-in form EVERY day. The van will NOT come to your residence if the form is not received by 8am or 15 minutes before your scheduled pick up time, whichever comes first.

  • The link to the Check-in is above OR Click Here



*****We will NOT be sending these out daily, or reminding you. This is your responsibility to send this form electronically everyday BEFORE 8AM or 15 minutes before your pick up time, whichever comes first.

*****If you do not have access to the internet - you can call 413-822-5310 and complete this pre-screen over the phone. It still must be done EVERY DAY.


When the van arrives - 


    -Parent/guardian will open the van door and help their child into their seat. 

    -If there is assigned seating, the driver will let the parent know which seat the child should be sitting in. 

    -Parent/guardian buckles in their child and exits the vehicle. Please make sure van door is closed properly.


What else we are doing to keep your family safe?


  • Vehicles will be cleaned & disinfected between morning & afternoon runs. 

  • The amount of time your child spends on the vehicle is a maximum of 45 minutes.


We are always open to improve our services. If you think we’ve missed something, let us know!



Be Well~

Aimee & Andy


P - 413.448.2366

F - 413.448.2367

©2018 by Kid Zone Child Care/Edu Center. Proudly created with

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